Friday, 6 June 2014

The Future Is Dancing

I woke up quite early for The Future today.. On the way to the station I noticed a guy, walking in front of me, who was picking up things from the ground. I didn't realize what he was doing until he picked up a plastic bag and then I turned my phone camera on to shoot that he was actually collecting some garbage to put them in a garbage bin.

He was a normal guy you know?! Normal as in, he didn't look like a weirdo or a madman or something.. He was just someone who cares about environment. Unlike many others on this planet..

It was funny to see him particularly this morning. I was heading to Oxford Circus to shoot pictures of a group of people from new global climate campaign, The Future,  who stopped the traffic and danced during the morning rush hour.

They danced to draw attention to the on-going UN Climate Change conference in Bonn..

They were gorgeous and brave and inspiring and hot!

It was quite simple... Tamsin closed the road, very calmly, like that... And turned on the music..

And the rest of them walked towards each other... And danced...

Here are some behind the scenes images too...

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