Sunday, 5 January 2014

Babu's "Kuchmachi"

Babu (Tamar babuadze) is a friend of mine who promised when I was back home to Tbilisi last year that she would cook kuchmachi for me. She is a great cook! I would even dare to say that she is THE cook! Since then I was back home twice but she never did. To be honest, I realised yesterday (a day before a planned "Kuchmachi" dinner at hers) that I'm not really a fan of this dish and I don't really remember why we came up with an idea of kuchmachi... But that's not really important. Im happy she didn't cook it because instead we had a delicious non-traditional-new-year dinner today. (You gotta keep in mind that in Georgia, we celebrate New Year from 1st January until 14th January).

I didn't take pictures of food because I was too busy to think about it when it was served...

Starter: Humous with Armenian Lavashi to dip in.
Main: Pastry with mushrooms, ham, chicken and stuff. It was something!
Desert: Quince crumble! JIZUZ!
Drink: Babu's father's red house wine.

Instead I took pictures of one of Babu's rooms and the kitchen where the magic happens.

Babu is preparing desert.

Nina is heating up Lavash.

Kids are playing.

Sun on the left, red umbrella on the right.
Babu after we left.

"Call the elephant."

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