Tuesday, 18 November 2014

30, Still flirty

I wish you sunshine in your life - i mean - eternal sunshine.. And i wish you lots of laugh that so much suits your beautiful face.. I wish you love that will make you fly - cus you are so good at flying too.. I wish you constant emotional high (as much as you can take obviously but I'm sure you can take a lot) 

 Lost boys ..

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Tuesday, 11 November 2014


Shot on Broadway Market last summer.. That word "organ"..  Must be written "organic" but I prefer it to be "organ".. I remember it was raining... Also remember somebody almost whispering in my ear: "that should be a great shot" when I shot it.. on the film..

Monday, 10 November 2014

Nextdoor to me in Hackney

Some of them were happy to see the camera, others were not and started questioning me which publication I work for..

I said I am independent.. Not sure if they believed me..

..but I AM independent..

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Challenge day 1 for the fall of the Berlin Wall

I was nominated by Matt Robinson to take part in a five-day black and white photographs challenge.. Even if many of you are already sick of these challenges, I cannot not accept it as I'm such a big lover of challenges and (some) black and white photography.. Especially if shot on film...

So for the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, I'm sharing my piece of wall shot on film in Berlin in October 2013..