Saturday, 26 April 2014

Coney Island

I woke up early and it was raining. "No Coney Island," - I thought and went back to sleep... I was disappointed as I didn't want to leave without getting close to the water...

"But there's nothing there, just a couple of attractions..." -  they, local Georgians, kept telling me... They hate Coney Island... And perhaps don't understand why it could be interesting for me - "For the rides and attractions?..." Eventually, Eti was kind enough to keep me company..

So when I woke up again it wasn't raining any more and I spent my last morning in NY on the beach, barefoot, but that was just about it... Ocean was bloody freezing...

Her red something on her head...

She must have been 100 or so...

Some hipstas on the beach...

So badly shiny...

It was full of people as weather turned out to be very nice.. Lots of tourists and I guess lots of locals as well...

And many Russians... I wonder if Putin has already though about it?!... You can't really see but this "dedushka" is reading a Russian newspaper...

This must be a breathtaking experience.. Perhaps one day I will try it to prove to myself that I'm not as scared of height as I think I am.. Or at least to overcome it...

Back to Brooklyn to get ready for the flight...

Friday, 18 April 2014

Williamsburg - New York's Hipsta

Call me a hipster lover or a beard-guys lover or girls in weird outfits lover or graffiti lover or messy-arty-looking area lover but that's where I live in London -  Dalston and that's what Williamburg - one of my favourite areas in NY - looks like..

After visiting Reuters bureau on Times Square (boringest area) I took a subway to Williamsburg with Lucas, our photographer who also lives there.. He gave me instructions where to go and how to eventually end up in the starting point and then find Alligator Lounge where I was meeting Ani and Eti later... (On a separate note - at Alligator Lounge if you buy a drink, you get a free Pizza. Pizza is  baked in a wooden oven and is very tasty, honestly.) It's Williamsburg, maan!

I went wandering and wondering... On a cold sunny April day...

If you look up, standing on "The Moon Walker", you see shoes hanging. I know you've seen it a lot but perhaps not in Williamsburg...

Huge abandoned objects and colors colors colors and mood...

I noticed a huge vintage shop and sneaked in...

There was a "mall" and I entered just to look around... I shot one picture only....

Some human beings... No beardy guys or anything... Not everyone has a beard you know...

After having whiskey (not on rocks) and pizza at the Alligator Lounge, we went to a gay bar... The most exciting thing was this guy on the right, whom I dedicated a separate short post...

Stranger in a Gay Bar in Williamsburg

Entering a gay bar, you shouldn't necessarily expect to see someone who is wearing a shtreimel. Well, I wasn't anyway... He was standing at the entrance alone, nervously paging through the magazines... Not New Yorker magazine, but something else, you know... After a while he started walking around the bar. These two guys spent some time looking through the pages with him, then took him out and came back very happy and satisfied with themselves...

- Awww he was so sweet... We put him in a subway and sent him to the sauna...

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Flattered Man in West Village

A little tipsy we left Amelie (Tina's favourite place) located in West village and we saw him, standing, smoking... It takes Tina a second to fall in love and she did...

- Oh my God, we love your outfit.. Can she take a picture of you? - She asked the man.
- Sure but let me put my glasses on.
- You actually have beautiful eyes... - said I. He did have beautiful blue eyes...

He did a humble smile...

Tina threw thousands of compliments at him...

"I am flattered," he said...

Sunday, 13 April 2014

New Yorkers

I like shooting people if I manage to stay invisible and with a huge camera it's often not the case but here are some of the New Yorkers I managed to capture...

Baseball in Central Park in the morning...

I was walking home at night and saw him sitting very close face to the wall and I wondered what possibly he might be doing. Yes, he was watching baseball... The captain...

This is how they cycle to not feel lonely here...

Watching basketball game...

Sleeping in warm sunny day in Columbus Circle...

Good night...